Okay, let me first say that this is not an entirely pleasant read. Molluscum Contagiosum is a skin disease that I suffered for the entire year of 2005. The only reason that I have created this page is to help out whoever else may be dealing with it. I was forced to learn a great deal about this infection the hard way, I literally spent thousands of dollars trying different things to cure it, and unfortunately I even had doctors who misdiagnosed me and made things worse.

I don’t wish this disease on anyone, and I am happy to announce that through trial and error, I have figured out how to overcome it. And it’s really not all that expensive in the end.

What follows is my personal experience; I can’t guarantee that what I’ve done will work for everyone or that your experience will be the same as mine. This is just my way of trying to give back and help, so that hopefully if you’re dealing with it, you can be all better within a month or two, instead of a full year like me.


It is not my intention to bad-mouth anyone, but my personal experience with the dermatologists was very painful, very expensive, and did NOT cure the disease. As anyone who has been probably knows, the doctor’s method of treatment is to literally scrape the lesions off the skin. Granted, this works for many people, but in my case it was just a temporary fix. See, here’s the problem – after the treatment, the doctor told me to go home and soak in the tub as a way to remove the “debris.” However, after talking to other specialists, I’ve learned the painful truth that the virus actually flourishes in a warm, damp environment. Soaking in the tub actually made it worse. This much I also know for sure, because of the way it spread on me. At the beginning, I only had one cluster of lesions, right below my waist. After being scraped and soaking in the tub, they came back – not just in one cluster, but all over the place.

What sucks even more about this is the fact that this happened a few times before I knew what was going on. I kept paying for these costly and unpleasant treatments, only to go home and spread the remainder even more.

Here’s the lesson – do NOT soak in the tub. Keep the area as dry as possible. Shower, don’t soak, and then dry the area off as soon as you’re finished. Avoid hot tubs, although a cold swimming pool once in a while should be okay so long as you dry off right away.


Something else I learned the hard way is the whole shaving thing. I was keeping the area clean shaven as a way to see things clearer… foolishly. Ya see, not only does the possibility of razor bumps create the potential for an ugly confusing mess of redness, but the razor itself can actually open and spread the lesions. Ya accidentally pop one of those things, and you’ve just made it worse.

Here’s the lesson – it’s a good idea to keep the area trimmed… but don’t use a razor. Use a beard and mustache trimmer, or use scissors. Keep it short, but not bald.


I asked my doctor if I should use medicated lotion on the area to help it heal. He said yes. Once again, this was a mistake. The virus thrives in a warm and damp environment, remember? Lotion makes it worse! Once again, let me stress – keep the area as dry as possible.

Here’s what does work – tea tree oil. You can find it at any natural products store. And it’s only $15 a bottle or so (depending on the size). The stuff is extremely potent as a natural antibacterial, and thus the bottle will last you a long time. Make sure you get the 100% pure stuff; Desert Essence and JASON are good brand names to look for. If you can’t find any yourself, I’ve made some available to order online HERE.

If you look closely at a lot of the herbal remedies out there online (once again I won’t bad-mouth anyone here, but I also spent a lot of money trying the various concoctions you can buy online and they also did NOT work for me), they all boast tea tree oil as one of their main ingredients. So… why get something that boasts a powerful ingredient in the mix, when you can just get the ingredient by itself?


If you’ve already searched the Internet for Molluscum information, you’ve probably come across some of those electronic skin-zapper devices. I’ve tried these too. I admit, they help… but they also can cause side effects. The part that I used to zap the spots helped them heal… but the other parts that you use on your surrounding skin to “ground” the electrical charge actually caused these weird itchy spots that took a long time to go away.

If everything else I’ve mentioned here doesn’t work for you, try the electrical approach. But, I highly recommend that you only buy the unit and the absolutely necessary pieces that go with it – don’t buy the whole expensive bundle, because a lot of the extra crap they throw in there is a rip-off. I bought one that had this special “molluscum soap” in it, and I swear I could see the outline of the word “Olay” very faintly on the bar.

But, here’s the only problem – the stuff is so potent, you have to be careful when applying it. Seriously, use a cotton ball. One drop only. Apply it very lightly to the whole area; do not use your fingers, and do not pour it on directly. Then, you have to keep an eye on the area. If a part of your skin reacts harshly to the stuff (usually as dry redness), have some hydrocortisone and neosporin handy. Really if you’re careful you shouldn’t need it, but keep it handy to be on the safe side.

Ooh, and check this out – they actually make tea tree oil soap. You can get it at Trader Joe’s, among other places. Use it in the shower, it helps.


Another big, big part of recovering from the Molluscum Contagiosum virus is getting your immune system as strong as possible. Your body will recognize and combat the virus, but not if it’s already busy fighting the flu or colds – so start getting yourself as healthy as possible. Stay away from alcohol, eat healthy, and exercise.

Another key aspect to ultimate health is customized nutrition. Search in your area for anyone doing “nutrition response testing”; it’s really the best way to get your system as strong as possible, remove your body of toxins, and get yourself operating at 100%. Think of this; you wouldn’t buy a one-size-fits-all shoe, now would you? Right, so, why would you randomly buy vitamins off the shelf without knowing what your body needs? The same point applies to nutrition; have a professional check you out and see exactly what you need, and then use that information to heal naturally.

If you’re in Upstate NY, I highly recommend this place:


In addition to custom essentials, it helps to eat food that is also good for your skin. That would be anything that is rich in vitamins A and E. Almonds, carrots, broccoli and spinach are the easiest to come by. Fish oils are also very good for the skin, so make sure you get lots of fish in your diet.


Let’s sum up.

1. If you have lots of lesions, visit the dermatologist and get them removed. But be vary wary of everything I have said so that they do not come back. Hopefully everything else listed will be a preventIve measure.

2. Keep the area as dry as possible.

3. Keep the hair short, but not shaved.

4. Dab the infected area with tea tree oil via cotton ball once in the morning and once before bed. Wash the area with tea tree oil soap when showering. Keep hydrocortisone handy just in case any areas of your skin react harshly to the oil. (That only tends to happen when heavy doses are used on NON-infected skin.)

5. Get your immune system running at 100%. This means eat healthy, stay away from drugs and alcohol, work out, and look into “nutrition response testing”.

All in all, this won’t cost you very much money. A couple hundred bucks, tops. And in the end, you’ll be much healthier.


- Christopher G.

* please note that while I try to get back to everyone who writes to me, I have a fiendishly busy schedule and can’t promise how quickly I’ll be able to reply. I highly recommend that you visit the FAQ, and take the time to read the comments already posted and replied to, as it’s quite likely that your question has already been asked by someone else.



  1. we are on day 7 of tea tree oil and it appears to be working, some of the spots are dying off.

    man they are stubborn little things hey!!!!

  2. Thanks Chris,
    Well this is week two and I still have not anything show up on my front side, inner thighs, which was the most problematic. I still have a few on my outer thighs and one or two on my buttocks. I did find one on my lower abdomen, but have continued the oil treatment.
    It seems to be working, so I’m going to continue the treatment. The smell gets to me a bit, but it’s worth it.

    Iris, my Molluscum look alot like pimples. most are the size of a pin head and have a small amount of redness around a white center. I have not popped any, so I don’t know if the center white stuff texture is thick or a lighter substance. There have been a couple that just show a very small redness under the skin, but then nothing forms, so I’m not sure if that is the oil doing its magic or not.

    So far the treatment is working for me and I hope to report again next week. Thanks for this forum, as I am sure it has helped many.


  3. Chris,
    So much to read, and thanks!
    So, after the Dr. had popped a couple on my son, she then told us what it was and sent us on our way. Now having read up on your blog, I am beyond angry. I am worried about my son being around others during parties and such, and with school starting and his lack of confidence already…………ugh

    A couple of q’s:
    1. Did you ever transfer to your kiddos, or visa versa? Beyond not sharing towels, baths, etc. can they be transferred via stuffed animals and cloth furniture (or is it only if there is an open wound?) I have 3 kiddos and us and wonder how careful I must be.
    2. Once they are gone, can they come back or does your body have an immunity to them? (This is my most desired answer to know). My son with them has already had so many skin issues (warts, psoriasis, and more) and is my guy with the most health issues.
    3. Does the efficacy of the tea tree oil have to do with application mainly or how healthful ones body is? I know you are basing this on your experiences and appreciate your input–seems as if those who have lived it have a better idea than those who “study” it–you know, a mechanic who has never even driven a car scenario.
    4. Is there any sure fire way to know when they will spread or to where? Is it just based on my son and whether he itches and then where he touches next? If he scratches and there is no “pustule” or white top, will it still spread the virus? And therefore, should we be only treating the larger bumps?

    Thanks for the input Chris–hoping it doesn’t get spread to others in the family.

    • I’ll answer your questions to the best of my ability; firstly though, I didn’t have a baby until long after I was fully clear of the virus.

      Second, the main contagious part is the white crud at the center of the lesion. The virus should only spread if a spot is actually popped and not cleaned properly; that virus can live outside the body for a short period of time, mainly in a warm, damp environment. Towels, locker rooms, etc. Spreading via dry areas is extremely unlikely, and spreading from just touching but not popping is also unlikely.

      The oil is more a case of how many lesions there are, and how mature they are – the oil will still be effective, but it could take longer before you see results. For many there’s no results for at least 2 weeks, but then the spots begin to fade and disappear.

      In many cases the introduction of the oil stops the lesions from maturing, which reduces spreading. That, and keeping the area dry, not popping any spots, and cleaning any that have popped on their own quickly… all combined should really help.

      Once the virus is gone, it’s gone for good. It doesn’t go dormant like HPV does. But I always advice a 2 week observation period after it seems they’ve vanished, just to make sure no new spots are growing under the skin and such.

      I hope this helps; hang in there.

      • Christopher,
        Wow! How I wish more people took time to do what you are doing for those of us here who have found you! Thanks so much!

        Anyway, my husband did use tea tree oil for years and we actually had some to use immediately–and we are doing so. My son has itched a bit and spread the molluscum a bit initially, but now the newer bumps are subsiding. We are already seeing the larger ones go down and the smaller ones go away, and are trying to administer at least 2x daily (but have done only once daily a few times). No one else thus far has gotten the molluscum (I am doing all laundry for each individual separately) and I hope it is making it’s exit. It will take a while for the larger bumps I believe, but it is nice to see them responding and starting to get a bit smaller with the application of the tea tree oil.

        The smell has not been a bother and he’s had no skin response that is unacceptable–what a great homeopathic answer to something that is so horrible. Awesome! I knew the tea tree oil was great, but now am excited to see it work again!

        Thanks again for having this forum! When are you getting your MD?

    • Hey JP,
      I to have a child who has mulliscum and have battled it for a little over a year. I plan on writing my story and success after finding this site really soon.
      About your first question about spreading to other children all though I only have one child I have two sisters who have 6 children who we were around all the time and not one of them have ever gotten mullescum. My son is 5 and he took showers with his father as its difficult to for my so. To shower on his own. We have never spread it to eachother. I did however do a few things like make a tea tree oil spray with about 15 drops in a water bottle to spray around the house. After he would wake up in the morning I would spray his pillow and under his covers. You could also us a Lysol spray. I always used the same towel for him but washed it after every use. I know that this is a little obsessive but my son had it for a long time and when I came across this site I was determined to rid him of this before school.
      I also believe that the tea tree oil treatment alone and the application of it twice a day is what is curing him of this. It is always a good idea to be as healty as one can eatting right and drinking plenty of water but in my oppion the tea tree oil twice a day is what is working. So my advice is to stick with it and you will see a change really soon.

      One more thing on application.. 1-2 drops on a Cotten ball is really all you need. Just make sure you do aply it everyday twice a day just as if it were medicine that you could live without. I would apply it to EVERY bump first then wipe whats left of it all around the skin of the affected areas. There were a few Occasions when I took a Q-tip and placed it into the tea tree oil and applied it directly to a spot that had gotten really Aggravated and it stopped the itch and healed up really fast.
      Good luck

  4. I started the tea tree oil treatment a few weeks ago and started to see improvement in just a few days, but since the lesions have become larger actually. I keep applying it in the morning and at night, but I am starting to worry that this method will fail me as well.

    • Give it time; success stories range anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months and beyond. In some cases people have reported the virus “fighting back”, which sounds like could be happening there, but just stick with the oil. Be patient, be consistent. Hang in there.

  5. Hello chris, I’ve had molluscum for about 8 months now and they seem to be going away. I used the tea tree oil a few months ago and used It for a few weeks. I havent used it since because I didnt think it was working because I wasnt seeing results. But so far some are fading away or popping off. But now I recently found out that i have genital warts. They prescribed me a cream called aldara (imiquimod). They said it will work on both the molluscum and warts. I was wondering if you think this stuff is effective? Or is there any other remedies for genital warts? Thank you.

    • So you’re saying it’s HPV, and not molluscum? Or… both? The treatment methods for each are very different, I haven’t personally seen any specific product that works well on both. The tea tree oil is great for molluscum, but does virtually nothing for HPV.

      That’s a tricky one; for HPV I actually prefer the liquid nitrogen method, but would never advice that first for molluscum. The viruses are very different.

      And in my experience, Aldara was very overpriced, and did practically nothing. I’ve also had a lot of others write to me with the same experience. You’re welcome to try it, but don’t throw your money away if you can’t afford it.

      • Yes I have both. My molluscum seems to be fading away. Well the doctor at planned parenthood said that the Aldara would work on both the molluscum and warts. Also what are your thoughts on applying apple cider vinegar on the molluscum?

        • I really gotta make a full page about the apple cider vinegar, since I get that question all the time. Short answer: NO. Apple cider vinegar is okay for plantar warts on the foot and stuff, but not recommended for these types of lesions. The end result is messy, uncomfortable, irritating, and ultimately doesn’t work. Stick with the tea tree oil and what you’re doing; be consistent, and it should continue to fade.

  6. Dear Chris,

    Let me start with…,,
    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! —thank you thank you!

    Here is my story…
    I am a Mother to a 5 year old boy who has been fighting Molluscum for well over a year now. The very first time I noticed a spot it was on his ankle. ( Looking back I think he got this from a Splash pad water park) He only had two and I thought they were ant bites. It wasn’t for a few months till I realized they had not gone away because his socks covered them for most of the day. But even then that week he had gone to visit his uncle who lived off a lake where he was fishing and ran over a ant bed twice and got bitten. So even though I was curious I was not alarmed.

    Fast forward a bit and they started popping up on other parts of his body. (Chest, belly and above his knee) I have known about the powerful benefits of tea tree oil so I started putting it on the bumps, but only 1-2 times a week. I took him in to see a doctor. Molluscum it was and they used a freeze away type device to try and kill off some of the bigger ones. They told me this way nothing to worry about and it will just go away on its own but if I was worried for any reason or the smaller ones got bigger I could bring him back in to have them frozen off. I told them I was putting on the tea tree oil and if I should keep doing that and he said “If it made me feel better to do so but there was nothing I could do to help them go away” This doctor told me he was going to write me a script for Salicylic acid aka Compund W aka Wart remover aka VERY PAINFUL FOR CHILDREN!! I had no idea what this was or how to treat it. I put my trust in the doctor that he knew what he was talking about an how to treat this. He even told me this was very common and he see’s it all the time in children. I did as he said and fill the prescription and only applied it to the very top white head part and only on the ones big enough to treat. The very first time I applied this treatment I started and everything seemed fine. I was all done doing the ones I could do and was putting the top back on the bottle when my son who was laying on the couch let out a yell for mommy that I will never forget. It was a scream like he was on fire “Mommy, mommy, mommy it Hurts! it hurts! it hurts please make it stop! ” For a mother this was the most horrible feeling in the world. I will never forget the look on his face and the pain in his eyes and he was screaming for help. You want to do what’s best for your child but this was no doubt the wrong choice . I would have rather kept the mullescum then ever go through that EVER again.

    I called a new doctor and took him in showed her the bottle and told her what happened and how I was not going to ever put him trough that again. She seemed very nice and was caring. She did however tell me about the same thing.. It’s common,this is normal, it will go away on its own, it spreads in warm water, try to help him to not mess with them. And that I could use the Tea Tree Oil if I wanted to but it will go away on its own when it’s run it’s course. Not once did she tell me to keep them dry or that they could spread on his towel or bedding. I don’t want to talk bad about doctors but I do not believe they want there to be a cure that they can’t write a scrip for or make money off of somehow.

    Next few weeks go by and I was using the oil but not regularly. He still had a few bumps but they were very few and small. I went online to see if I could find anything about this but found nothing and at this time even the pictures on the Internet didn’t really look like what he had. It was similar but the Internet can freak you out. But now I know that they can look different at different stages and depending on how bad you have it. The Internet tens to show the worst cases.
    Fast forward and It’s summer and its very Hot here where I live and I ended up running out of the oil . We are outside people love the parks and so like you can guess it was the perfect environment, wet, warm and I had no tea tree oil. And so my son Molluscum came on strong with vengeance. All over his upper chest about 15 alone on his neck and started to reach his face one right under the eye and some by his mouth and chin. He even got one that rubbed on his seatbelt and the next day it was ugly, red and had heat in it. I call his doctor right away and went in. It wasn’t the same doctor but the on call doctor and we were in and out in less than 10 mins. She said we needed to see a dermatologist because it had flared up so bad and there was nothing more she could do. (Like they did anything in the first place) Took two weeks to get a call back for the dermatologist appointment and they can’t see us till October! So I went on a Internet hunt determined to find something to help him. Then I came across this page. It was like a beacon of light was shining out of my computer and I knew this was the answers. I went out and bought me another bottle of tea tree oil right away and started applying it twice a day. On day 3, I could already see a GREAT improvement. I did use 4-5 drops on a Cotten ball at first and a few times used a Q-tip and dipped it right in the oil and applied it right to the top of the bump. They were getting smaller the redness had going down. The ones on his ankle were gone in 3 days.
    I do want to add that you should probable wash towels after every use and spray Lysol or a Tea tree oil mixed with water on bed sheets, pillows and in stuffed animals they sleep with. Then wash the bed sheets as often as possible. Exspecially for children who can accidentally scratch or pop them in their sleep. (I ended up washing them every other day)
    Today was his fist day of school and day 14 of his treatment and you couldn’t tell one bit that he was covered all over his neck and face with this virus. He only has a few spots on his chest that appeared a week into the treatment that I know will be gone soon.
    I’m am so happy now that the dermatologist couldn’t see him till October because there is no tell what they would have done to my baby.

    I’m forever in your debt Chris and I couldn’t thank you enough for sharing this site and making it available for all if us to get help. My family thanks you from the bottoms of our hearts. And I will share all the information I’ve learn from you and pass alone this site.

    I will let everyone know when we are totally Molluscum free!

    God bless

    • Also I forgot to mention I found a Big 5oz bar of tea tree oil soap at -The Vitamin Shop. Along with many tea tee oil items for real cheap. The 5oz bar of soap was only $1.62.
      Another great idea that I got from my grandmother was to just add the tea tree oil you already have to your body wash and shampoo.
      I did that as a back up to the bar of soap I had already and I know about how tea tree oil can kill and repel lice so it’s a win win in his shampoo with him starting school. But if you were to buy a tea tree oil shampoo (Which I looked into) it’s going to cost you a pretty penny.
      Anyways I hope that helps

    • Lydia,

      Thanks so much for taking the time to share your story. You’re welcome. It warms my heart to know my tips have helped spare a child pain and heartache, even more so now that I’m a Dad (I have a little 8-month old at home now).

      I’ll definitely include your write-up when I get around to creating a section on this page for success stories; and I see you’re responding to other people with questions, which is also appreciated. The more of us that can spread this treatment method, the better.

      Again, I know it took a while for you to write your experience, but it reinforces what I do here, so thank you very much.

      • No need to thank me at all Chris. It is the least I can do for you after everything you have done here for all of us. I have been without the Internet for a few weeks or I would have replied sooner..

        GUESS WHAT!!!…..

        On day 30 we were MC free!
        Today is day 39 and just to be on the safe side we apply once in the morning. There are a few scars left where the doctor tried to freeze them but I think just maybe the TTO is helping with that as well. Do you know if the scars will ever go away? It’s not a big deal they are nowhere important it was just a thought.

        I have a appointment in a few weeks with his doctor where I plan on discussing the TTO method with her, hear opinion and hope she hears mine. (In my nicetest voice without wanting to jump over the table and shake her) Just Kiddig… In hopes she well spreads this method with others so they will not have to induer lengthy and painful treatments.

        Many Blessings

        • Hi Lydia,

          Can you please describe exactly how it looked after about 1 week of Tea Tree Oil twice daily. I mean how do you know it is going away?

          • Dear Ann,
            Sorry for not getting to you till now. Let me first say that he had this bad and he had spots that were in all different stages so they all looked a little different. The smallest ones went away first without even noticing them before they dissapeard. The bigger ones were easier to tell. The redness went away and they started drying out. The sizes were also an indicator that it was working. That got smaller. But by week 2-3 was when I could really tell.

            Also I want to say if you are not noticing a difference by now and have not had any issues with skin irritation from the tea tree oil Apply More than one drop to a Cotten ball. For my son he had no issues with the tea tree oil and had a few spots that didn’t seem to be responding to treatment so I added more to those spots and right away they responded.

            Again sorry it took so long to get back but if you have anymore questions I am will to give anyone advice.

            Take care

        • Sweeeeeet. Glad to hear. Together we are getting to the bottom of this and helping folks. Good.

          If the molluscum’s gone and it’s been a few weeks, try treating the damaged/scar area with Vitamin E oil. It helps boost the skin’s naturally healing properties, and goes on gentle. You can find it in a roller, or as an ointment. Apply before bed, let it do its job, and give it time.

  7. Hello Chris,

    First off, I’d like to acknowledge the amazing and constant support you’ve given to people. Just from reading through your answers I’m feeling more encouraged and positive than I was before. I’m generally a pretty positive person but, unfortunately, MC has been wearing on that a bit.

    My situation: I first had an outbreak on the inside of both my thighs back in Feb. I was a little too busy in life to have them looked at and, as it wasn’t painful and didn’t itch, figured I would let it take it’s course. Fast forward to July, it’s summer, and I’m ready to wear shorts and not have these unattractive bumps. I did a quick visit to the doctor, she diagnosed it as MC, and said she could freeze them off then and there and they would be gone within 10 – 14 days and sent me on my way. Well, I didn’t realize it was contagious and the freezing irritated my skin something AWFUL where I couldn’t not scratch. About 3 weeks after that the frozen spots regrew and spread in both directions on my thighs, spots on my legs, and a couple spots on my back where – in total – I’m probably looking at 200 spots. I went to a different doctor last week (I moved states right after the first Dr. visit) and she prescribed podofilox. I just finished the first 3 days of application, and then you’re supposed to wait 4 days before re-application and then repeat the steps until everything gone. I’ve been looking for success stories on Podofilox and haven’t really seen any kind of reference to it being used to beat MC.

    So my question is – should I combine Podofilox with the tea tree oil? Have you heard of any success with Podofilox? Should I treat one leg with tea tree oil but the other with Podofilox to see which my body reacts better to? Also, I was unaware that shaving spread MC so I’m wondering if Nair is ok to use for my legs.

    I apologize for the novel. Thank you for taking the time to help all of us!

    • Katie,

      Sorry to hear you’re going through this. I honestly have no advice regarding Podofilox, so I can’t offer much comment there… I’d say after a week of trying that, gauge the results. If it’s working, great. If not, honestly I’d say to switch to just the tea tree oil. In general I don’t think it’s wise to confuse the skin by trying multiple treatment methods at the same time, but that’s just a hypothesis.

      Correct, shaving is bad for this. Nair should do the trick if you’re gentle with it. Just keep a close eye on the area when you’re done, and check to make sure none of the lesions popped. If so, clean the area fast and apply the oil when finished. In fact, applying the thin layer of oil after nair in general might not be a bad idea.

      I hope this helps; hang in there!

      • Hi Chris –
        Just wanted to share that I’m more or less free of the infection! I did end up using tea tree oil on the bumps on my legs and Podofilox on the heavily infected areas. I found that the tea tree oil did work but did not have the immediate results that Podofilox had. On the flip side, there is slight scarring from the Podofilox and none from the tea tree oil. I also made sure to only use tea tree oil bar soap in the shower. As far as Nair, to be on the safe side, I covered the bumps on my legs with small bandaids and naired around the area.

        Thank you again for this site! It definitely helped me calm down and take action to eliminate this nasty deal.

    • Depends on what you have handy; definitely use hot water and soap, remove any white stuff you see with a towel or wipe that you can throw away, and dry the area quickly. Use rubbing alcohol if you have it. When dry, apply the tea tree oil. That’s about what I’d recommend. (Good question, thanks for bringing that up.)

  8. Hi Chris,
    Thank you for creating this web page. I’ve read my way through many of the questions and your replies and very helpful. I woke up one morning (May 2013) and discovered probably about 15-20 bumps on my stomach area just below my belly button area. At first I thought it may be some sort of heat rash or something because the weather had been hot and I had been working outside a lot and exercising a lot. I decided to try and ignore it and hopefully it would go away. After a few weeks of it not getting any better and noticing a couple new bumps I thought I better start researching a little. After some Google research I decided it was MCV and started using apple cider vinegar to try and battle it. I found it seemed to help a little especially on the smaller bumps and maybe even helped to stop any new ones from appearing, but it wasn’t having the effect on the bigger ones (3-4mm) I was hoping for. So I thought I better try something else. First I decided I better go to the doctor to confirm that it was MCV. The doctor told me the same thing many claim – to wait and they will go away in time and not to scratch them or they may spread.The doctor also said if I wanted I could get them burned off, but I really wanted to try a more natural method first. I thought to myself that there is no way I’m waiting for them to go away on their own. I decided to try Zyma Derm. I am on day 16 now of applying it twice a day and trying to keep them dry. The bumps have turned red and appear to be drying out, and appear to clearing up. It states on the Zyma Derm that the red is ok and the bumps may swell up a bit before this happens – which they did. The white part in the center is getting smaller and almost gone on some and the bumps seem to be starting to collapse. So I am trying my best to be patient in hopes that this will work. I have read online a few time that Zyma Derm smells a lot like Tea Tree Oil although I am not sure what tea tree oil smells like. I’m going to continue with Zyma Derm because it seems to be working, but if it doesn’t I’m going to try your method. Do the bumps turn red, dry out scab over and heal with Tea tree oil? From a couple comments I’ve read on this page it sounds like the bumps just get smaller and eventually disappear? I guess I’m thinking that this zyma derm may leave more scaring than the tea tree oil… but when it comes down to it I’d rather have scaring than MCV!
    Thanks again for your willingness to help others. It seems like there is a lot of confusion out there on the web and not a lot of concrete info. This tends makes things even more stressful and makes one feel a little helpless! It’s nice to have a thread like the one this page to read through.

    • Dave,

      Thanks for sharing. In my experience, 100% pure tea tree oil worked better than Zymadern, but I can’t say the same for everyone, and I’m not trying to bash any particular product. Just from what I’ve seen, a lot of those types of products boast that tea tree oil is a main ingredient… but then mix in other stuff, when really… the tea tree oil is the most potent part. So if it’s working for you, great; otherwise, try the 100% pure Desert Essence stuff.

      And ideally you shouldn’t experience much redness, itching or irritation unless you’re putting on too much of the stuff, which believe me is tempting. But to heal properly, you have to put it on THIN. It’s like when you have a headache, you take the tylenol and let it do it’s job. Taking half a bottle of pills doesn’t make the pain go away – in fact, it leads to other problems. So be careful with the application.

      I hope this helps; hang in there!

  9. Hi Chris,

    There are 2 months since i began the oil treatment to my girl.From 13-14 spots has remain 4-5 spots, all are small, white, but there are no signs that this will fade away.
    Please let me know your opinion.Thanks.

    • These final lesions aren’t fading at all, huh? Well they’re not fighting back and growing bigger, are they?

      My first recommendation would be to stick with the oil and give it a few more weeks… but if you’d rather not, or if after that the final lesions are still sticking around, only then would I suggest the liquid nitrogen, just on the pesky lesions that aren’t going away. Compound W Freeze Off will do the trick. But again, ONLY if the oil isn’t working and you’ve been consistent with that, keeping the area dry, etc.

      • Hi Chris,
        Only one lesion is fighting back and i am sure that will dissapear.The others, 4 spots, seems to stay in the same stage, smaller, white.

        • Give it time; if the oil is truly ineffective after a while, then you may do alright to try the liquid nitrogen method ONLY on the stragglers.

  10. My son has had 2 bumps for almost a year. I took him to drs and he said leave it alone so I did for bout 6 months. 1 did fall off on its own but he still has 1 taht was pretty big and started to bother him so I did some research and fro a month now been using tea tree oil it looked like it was working it got really big and red then popped a little bit it scapped and looked flat and like it was going to fall off completely he plays football so during that I put a bandaid on it cuz its right on his shoulder where his pad rubs it. Well tonight after his shower his scap came off and now looks like another bump is there I’m very frustrated and don’t know what to do his skin is getting pretty red and has peeled around the bump as well. I put some aquaphor on the skin around where its all red. He now says it burns a little when I put the oil on. Should I stop treating it and should I keep using a bandaid during football? Thanks for your help. I feel so helpless and wish thos would just go away :(

    • That’s a tough one; typically I don’t recommend covering the spots with band-aids because they can lead to sweating, which aids the virus. Recreo Powder might be a better bet, as it creates a nice film on the skin which protects it from moisture –

      If he’s irritated there, back off the oil for a couple days and use hydrocortizone to soothe – it’s the best bet, as a lot of the other lotions and creams you might try could help the virus. General rule of thumb is to keep the area as dry as possible. Then after a few days, resume the tea tree oil as I’ve outlined on the site. Be patient and consistent with it; it should help, and the spots should eventually fade away.

        • Hey Julie,
          From my experience they can reform right under another bump. My son had one on his shoulder that got really irritated from rubbing on the shoulder belt in car. I would dip a Q-tip in the bottle of Tee Tree Oil and dab it right on it that way i could avoid irritating the skin around it and then I would let him go shirtless most of the day. Before I knew what I should have been doing I put a bandaid on a few and it made it worst. And they seemed to keep reappearing. So I would say stay away from band aids.
          Also I know this may seem hard to do I know how sports are very important, but my suggestions would be not to play for awhile. Coming from a very outdoorsy family it hard to stop doing the things we love. But we have to look at the bigger picture. Getting rid of Mulluscum. The sweating that we do just from doing normal activities outside will cause the mulluscum to grow. Especially if you live somewhere like I do where the temperature is 95 or above.

          Hope some of this helps. Good luck

        • Umm, no that’s not normal, but it is possible… likely the cores are next to each other and the spots just grew out at odd angles from there. That’d be my guess.

  11. I first noticed bumps nearly three months ago. I had 4-5 around the same area in my pubic region. They were all about the size of a pencil eraser. The doctor told me they were ingrown hairs and prescribed me antibacterial cream. After taking hundreds of photos with my hd camera, I self diagnosed MC after looking on the internet. I used the ACV method, soaking cotton balls and using bandaids. It hurt and scabs formed but after two weeks they were all gone and I was left with barely noticeable scars. I kept checking the area for 1-2 weeks and didn’t notice any new bumps and therefore thought I was cured. 4 weeks after those initial ones healed, I randomly took pictures “just to make sure.” I noticed a couple things I didn’t like, but this time they were TINY. The largest one was not much bigger than a millimeter. I went back to the dr, this time specifically asking about MC. He said he couldn’t rule it out but that they were usually bigger, so basically the few I had were too small for him to tell and that again it was probably just shaving irritation. I couldn’t let it go and again self diagnosed and used the ACV method. This time it was much more brutal, bc they were in a more sensitive area. It took three weeks the second time for the skin to heal completely. By this time I was obsessively checking for new ones, taking pictures several times a day. A week after they healed, just when I was starting to feel better about everything, I again saw something I didn’t like in a picture. I used nair so that I could see the area better. Sure enough, two tiny microscopic bubbles on my skin, a day later I noticed one more in a different area. These are hardly noticeable to the naked eye and if I wouldn’t have been using the camera excessively, I never would have noticed. I’ve been treating them with a mixture of TTO, clove oil, and oregano oil for about 5 days now. I’m also taking immune boosting/antiviral supplements such as goldenseal. One of the them seems to be responding already, the others I haven’t noticed a difference. I know you understand the emotional distress and anxiety this causes, what makes it worse is that I’m in a new relationship. Having that conversation was not fun. He seems to be supportive but I can tell not being able to have sex is bothering him a little. He has no signs of MC so I know I didn’t get it from him. I’ve only been with two people in the past three years, I now know what they mean when they say “it can happen to anyone” about STDs. I get so depressed and cannot believe this is happening to me. Okay there’s my story, here are my questions:

    Have you had people write to you saying that the MC comes back after longer than two weeks? I admit that I might have missed some spots just coming up bc I wasn’t shaving and therefore not noticed them during that two week period but I’m afraid I have some crazy incubation period on mine and that I have weeks or months of torment before I finally know they are gone for good.

    Were your bumps tiny like mine are? Sometimes I wonder if it’s not MC at all because they are so small, but with my HD camera they definitely look bubbly.

    Does them being tiny and not has large as the first bumps indicate that maybe my immune system is starting to respond and fight the virus? Or is it just normal to have very very smalls ones?

    Have you had many people write to you that were cured after only having the virus for a few months? I guess what I’m afraid of, is that many of the success stories of finally curing it after a year or so is just due to the fact that it is self limiting anyway and eventually our immune systems will do something about it (albeit after 1-2 yrs).

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and answer my questions! Everyone please send tons of positive energy my way to kill this nasty little virus.

    • Hiya Bree; sorry for the delayed response on this, I know it must be stressful, I just haven’t haven’t had a chance to respond in a bit.

      Many, many people I speak to get better in only a few weeks. Getting on the right track of treatment and sticking to it is key… and unfortunately it sounds like you may be having trouble there because you keep switching up what you’re using. I say try sticking to only the tea tree oil and keeping the area dry for a couple weeks. All this other stuff is probably confusing your system, and doing so can weaken the skin to the point where the virus has room to right back, which is what it sounds like it’s doing. (Again I’m not a doctor, this is just conjecture, but I have seen it happen before.)

      Even if it’s not MC, the oil won’t hurt; and yes, those very tiny spots you report do happen sometimes, and usually grow from there into something bigger. In fact that’s how this often starts, those tiny bubbles form, then grow into a cluster, but no one can see them because they’re in an odd spot, or under the hair, etc.

      And most people I talk to don’t get this from sex, so you likely caught it from some fluke as well – locker room, hot tub, etc. Rare, but it happens, as many people here can testify to.

      And unfortunately, it is rare but it can come back after more than 2 weeks, but usually only if you don’t successfully kill it. Often with liquid nitrogen treatments this happens; the outer, visible spots are killed, but new stuff under the skin was already growing, and comes back because it wasn’t treated properly the first time.

      Ok? I really hope this helps, and I wish you a speedy recovery from here; be patient, hang in there, and stick with it.

  12. My 5 year old has this and we have been dealing with it for far too long now… years.. It started as 1 sore between her but cheeks at 1 or 2 years old and then another on her leg. The last 6-12 months is has spread all over her legs. ;o( The Dr. told us there was nothing he could do it would have to run its course… She itches them and then they look like a giant angry spider bite an they ooze.. it’s pretty gross. She is constantly covered in bandaids…. which leads to my question. I am going to get tea tree oil tomorrow. Can this be applied to open sores, or should we only apply to the bumps? I would assume it would burn and sting on an open sore? Do you happen to know?

    • I’d suggest trying on the open wounds very carefully. Do a tiny dab and see how she reacts. I’ve used the oil myself on regular cuts to prevent infection, and never had any problems.

      Likewise… if at all possible, don’t cover in band-aids after applying the oil. That can lead to sweating, which can spread the virus. I know it’s tough, but the big big keys in this are the tea tree oil, keeping the areas dry, and NOT popping the spots yourself.

      I hope this helps, and I’ll pray for your little one,


  13. Hello, thanks for share your history, my baby ( 15 months old ) has atm molluscum, the first one was in her back that one become bigger and then when i realize that was a molluscum she has 8 little around, i went with the doctor he take out the big one and the little ones, but i was still worry until i found your webpage, thanks for all your recommendations, i bought here in México Tea tree and i put in her molluscums every morning and night, i hope can disappear soon, the only thing that i noticed in these days is that there is not new molluscum, thanks from Guadalajara México

  14. Hi Chris

    My Derm decided to use liquid nirto on the MOLLUSCUM. he told me I will need about 4-6 treeatments. I did this yesterday. Today I notice that they are getting kinda crusty. He told me they would. Can i still use the TTO on it?

    • I get this question a lot, but I never actually tried it… my advice is to go ahead, but gently. If it stings or really irritates the scabs (which are already going to be hurting), then back off and let those heal. Otherwise, using the cotton ball method around the whole area should do the job of attacking anything new that might be growing back, or anything you haven’t seen yet.

      I hope this helps; hang in there, I’ve been frozen a lot and I know what you’re going through.

  15. I wish I had known about this eight months ago. My son had them on the trunk of his body and under his arm pit. Took him to the derm after it not going away and treating it with steroid cream. Derm here in Belgium said she was going to dig them out. She gave me a numbing cream to apply an hour before his appointment and went to her office where she dug out the “core”. It was uncomfortable he said, but it never came back after that.

    Now my daughter has one spot on her leg behind her knee and I’m using the Doterra tree tea oil and praying it doesn’t last long. I like the idea of just using a oil as oppose to having it “dug out”. Which really wasn’t digging but this device to pop them out. I’m all about the homeopathic way.

    • Good, hang in there; I had several lesions “scraped” out, but the problem with that is what the doctor said to do afterwards. His tip was to go take a bath, to “remove the debris.” Well, the moron, that “debris” was what was left of the white waxy core, which is contagious, which SPREADS DURING A BATH. I was a bit angry too.

      Good that you’re using the oil early on; sounds like you caught it before it could really cluster and get bad, and that’s lucky. Stick with it.

  16. Hi Chris!

    Thank God I found your website! We’ve been struggling with Molluscum on our poor two and a half year old since July. Three seperate times I took her to the pediatrician to check out her strange spreading rash. The first two times we were told it was a skin irritation, nothing more. Keep an eye on it, they all said. I kept googling and had my suspicions that it was molluscum. So I brought it up to the doctor and was told definitely not, don’t worry. Meanwhile, my daughter kept on swimming, playing in the water table and taking super long baths all summer long. The doctor even suggested scrubbing them with a washcloth because they seemed like clogged hair follicles. Finally on the third visit when two bumps had turned to twenty had turned to at least forty tiny bumps covering her belly, back and face, a different doctor diagnosed her with molluscum.

    I was furious! It was manageable at two or even twenty, but she was getting new bumps every day and they were so small, they were easy to miss. I felt so hopeless and heartbroken for her. We tried apple coder vinegar and band aids which only successfully managed to give my daughter a healthy phobia of friggin bandaids! All the while more bumps popped up daily. We were cleaning and doing laundry like mad people, trying desperately to stop the spread and keep them off of our four month old daughter. What a nightmare.

    The doctor suggested a dermatologist and I made an appointment immediately. When we saw her she made us feel at ease and said it was nothing; her son had it too once. She painted about 30 bumps with acid, said to wash it off after four hours and reassured me that it was safe and would not scar. I relaxed, took her home and let her nap then eat dinner. When I undressed her for her bath, I had the shock of a lifetime. The bumps had not only turned to huge blisters, but many of them had popped already! The next morning she had double the amount of molluscum bumps and horrible, bloody sores to boot! I wanted to write this to caution any parents away from allowing a dermatologist to treat your child with this blistering agent. It’s been a week and some blisters still haven’t popped, but she is covered in sores and scabs. She cries that her “goosebumps” are hurting her every night and I feel horrible!

    Thankfully I found your site and started the tea tree oil treatment. It’s only been five days and we are already seeing many of her bumps drying up and thankfully, the ones on her face are becoming less visible already. She likes her special oil too because it doesn’t hurt or sting like the ACV. I’m so grateful to you for posting so much helpful information here! I’m confident we’ll beat this thing soon!

    We have also been using very mild bleach baths instead of showers because she isn’t crazy about showering yet. We do keep the baths short though and rinse her with plain water after.

    I will keep you posted on our progress. I am just excited to be seeing an improvement already using a GENTLE treatment on my babygirl. I think she and I will have nightmares of the dermatologist office for life! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!

    • Angela,

      Thanks for taking the time to share your story; I hope by the time I’m writing this that she is already a million times better, and through this painless approach. I also share your frustration at the doctors who misdiagnose this nasty condition… I went a whole year and wasted several thousands of dollars, so I feel your pain.

      Again, thanks for your story and I hope it keeps getting better from here, and that other parents will be able to learn from what you’ve expressed.

      And, you’re welcome. Sometimes it hurts to relive my experience as I help others, but stories like yours make it worth it.

  17. I found your page on 28th July 2013. I was on holiday and my son who had had molluscum for over a year (doctor said leave it alone) had a massive outbreak all over his legs (mainly the back) his hands and tops of his feet. One or 2 of the molluscum spots were badly infected and He had another rash alongside it which made it difficult to tell which spots were molluscum. The doctor was shocked to see such a rapid spread of molluscum, which happened overnight that she tried to get specialist advice while we waited. The specialist advised us to take antibiotics to clear the infection and leave the molluscum alone. At my wits end I trawled the Internet and found this site. I started straight away using the tea tree morning and night. Other measures I took were to change the bed sheets every night, new pyjamas every night, and a clean towel every time it was used to dry the spots. The process has been slow , I regularly photograph the spots so that I can see how they are evolving. Each spot appears to have a life cycle – starting out clear and pearly, turning red, swelling a bit , crusting over sometimes with a black centre and then dying off. Some spots have been stubborn refusing to move on from the pearly stage. Around August time I researched further afield and found a similar oil to tea tree but much more potent called lemon myrtle oil.
    I brought some – cost about £8.99 a bottle and can be found on google. I’m not recommending anywhere in particular so you realise I’m not trying to sell a product myself.
    This oil needs diluting in Carrier oil ( I used olive oil) 10 drops of olive oil to every 1 drop of lemon myrtle. I applied this only to the stubborn spots and with rapid results….my advice would be do 1 or 2 at a time as 10 red molluscum in 1 go was a lot for my 4 year old to contend with. But it does work . After 2 months of using the tea tree my sons molluscum has gone from hundreds of these pesky things to 23 nasty molluscum. Using the lemon myrtle we are now down to the last 2 . Both of which are on their way to going. The tea tree works and if you are lucky will get rid of this horrible infection. If you find that the tea tree can’t move the molluscum on any further then try the lemon myrtle but be sure to only apply to the spots. It is potent and will make uninfected skin very sore.
    Just thought I’d add my own experience in case it helps someone out there.
    Please feel free to comment.

    • Clare,

      Thanks for taking the time to share; as I know the tea tree oil doesn’t work for absolutely everyone, I’m always open to success stories from parents who found a way to boost the healing process. I’ve had parents tell me Thujo really helps, but this is the first I’ve heard of lemon nyrtle oil. Very interesting, I’ll try to keep that in mind for others.

      Again, I know this whole situation is rough enough, so thanks for giving your story to help others, and I pray for a speedy final recovery for your son.

      • Thank you for reading and replying, blogging and running forums takes a lot of time. Thank you for taking the time to do this and help others. Without your advice we would still be struggling with my sons molluscum. I had used tea tree before but would stop when the lesions went red and sore, only with your advice did I persevere. Thank you

  18. Thanks for the reply. So looks like the bump is completely gone but now is just a flat red scab should I keep applying the oil? I’m afraid this is just irritating the skin now keeping it from fully healing thanks again for the help. So glad I found this site. Now my other son has it but I think we got it in time knowing to start with the oil rigjt away and his are about gone

  19. My 7 year old daughter has this. I first noticed one bump on her thigh about 8 months ago. I thought it was a skin tag or something. Over the summer, she developed 4 more in the thigh area and also 3-4 in the very upper part (crack) of her buttocks. The pediatrician gave us retin-A samples. The dermatologist said use the Scholls liquid nitrogen. So far I’ve done two treatments with the freezing method and I don’t see a change and after my daughter’s distress and tears at the pain, I’m not doing that again. I’m constantly looking for new information online about this with possible remedies. I will be trying the Tea Tree Oil method tomorrow. I hope all of the success stories are true. I am so frustrated. Thanks for this site and your suggestions.

    • Kelly,

      Take the time to read the stories of other parents who have gone through the same thing; most report success with the oil on their children, so I say try it but be patient with it. It’s not overnight, but seems to really be the best long-term solution. That, and keeping the area dry, so, no long baths, no creams, no lotions, etc.

      Hang in there; you have the knowledge at your disposal to beat this fast and painlessly.

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